Социология на языке оригинала

Монографии, учебники и статьи по социологии на иностранных языках.

Zygmunt Bauman. On Writing Sociology

Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 17, No. 1, 79-90 (2000) DOI: 10.1177/02632760022051013

Sociology, like poetry, explores/discovers/creates hidden or heretofore non-existing human potentialities; both rebel against closing, identifying the-already-achieved reality with the limit of that potential. Sociology is destined to sustain the autonomy of, simultaneously, human society and human individuals, and autonomy means the awareness of the human origins of social reality and of the possibility of making it different from what it is. In the age of rapid and radical individualization, the task of sociology is to service self-interpretation with the view of widening the sphere of human autonomy through disclosure of multiple social connection which contribute to its present form and future changes

Ваша оценка: Нет Средняя: 2.8 (57 голосов)

Zygmunt Bauman. On Postmodern Uses of Sex

Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 15, No. 3, 19-33 (1998)
DOI: 10.1177/0263276498015003002
Zygmunt Bauman is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Leeds. His latest publications include Globalization: The Human Conse- quences (Polity Press, 1998) and Work, Consumerism and the New Poor (Open University Press, 1998).

Of sex, eroticism and love, the first is natural and limited in its forms, while the other two are cultural products infinite in their expressions and applications. The history of eroticism is, essentially, a history of changing border conflicts and shifting alliances between the three members of the triad. The postmodern novelty is emancipation of eroticism from both sexual reproduction and love - and setting it free to perform a variety of new tasks. A crucial one among these is the renegotiation of social relations inside the family and in public space, as well as new forms of identity building.

Ваша оценка: Нет Средняя: 3.1 (36 голосов)

D.V.L. Smith, J.H. Fletcher. Inside Information : Making Sense of Marketing Data

D.V.L. Smith, J.H. Fletcher. Inside Information : Making Sense of Marketing Data D.V.L. Smith, J.H. Fletcher. Inside Information : Making Sense of Marketing Data. Copyright © 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

"This book will immensely useful to anyone involved in business decision-making as they seek to acquire and digest information that will assist them - and it achieves this in an eminently readable fashion."--Peter Goudge, Chairman, Association of Users of Research Agencies (AURA), Senior Research Manager, National Westminster Bank, UK

"This book is the one we have been waiting for. It's a profound work of synthesis and insight (that has) implications for the way that market researchers think about the world and their role in it."--Justin Gutmann, Chairman, Market Research Society; Marketing Planning Manager, London Underground Limited

The twenty-first century has brought with it an inundation of information with which business has to grapple. For those who have to make sense of information on a day-to-day basis, a new set of information skills and competencies, a new set of habits are required to handle the new world of multi-source data.

In this book help is at hand. It is full of practical guidance on how to effectively process and action modern marketing and business information to maximum competitive advantage. The authors provide a step-by-step practical approach to the holistic analysis of information and data, complete with tools and checklists.

Ваша оценка: Нет Средняя: 3.2 (6 голосов)

Charles A. Ellwood. Sociology and Modern Social Problems

Charles A. Ellwood. Sociology and Modern Social Problems Produced by Julie Barkley, Charles Franks and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. SOCIOLOGY AND MODERN SOCIAL PROBLEMS BY CHARLES A. ELLWOOD, PH. D. Professor of Sociology, University of Missouri

This book is intended as an elementary text in sociology as applied to modern social problems, for use in institutions where but a short time can be given to the subject, in courses in sociology where it is desired to combine it with a study of current social problems on the one hand, and to correlate it with a course in economics on the other. The book is also especially suited for use in University Extension Courses and in Teachers' Reading Circles.

This book aims to teach the simpler principles of sociology concretely and inductively. In Chapters I to VIII the elementary principles of sociology are stated and illustrated, chiefly through the study of the origin, development, structure, and functions of the family considered as a typical human institution; while in Chapters IX to XV certain special problems are considered in the light of these general principles.

Ваша оценка: Нет Средняя: 3.7 (7 голосов)

Enrico Ferri. Criminal Sociology (1899)


THE following pages are a translation of that portion of Professor Ferri’s volume on Criminal Sociology which is immediately concerned with the practical problems of criminality. The Report of the Government committee appointed to inquire into the treatment of habitual drunkards, the Report of the committee of inquiry into the best means of identifying habitual criminals, the revision of the English criminal returns, the Reports of committees appointed to inquire into the administration of prisons and the best methods of dealing with habitual offenders, vagrants, beggars, inebriate and juvenile delinquents, are all evidence of the fact that the formidable problem of crime is again pressing its way to the front and demanding re-examination at the hands of the present generation.

Ваша оценка: Нет Средняя: 5 (1 голос)

Clive Seale. Quality in Qualitative Research

Clive Seale. Quality in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Inquiry, Volume 5 Number 4, 1999 465-478
© 1999 Sage Publications, Inc.

A variety of conceptions of qualitative research exist, with competing claims as to what counts as good quality work. Rather than opting for the criteria promoted by one variety, “paradigm,” “moment,” or school within qualitative research, practicing researchers can learn valuable lessons from each one. This is because social research is a craft skill, relatively autonomous from the need to resolve philosophical disputes. At the same time, methodological awareness is a valuable mental resource in research studies. It can be acquired by exposure to almost any intelligent methodological discussion, whether from positivist, naturalistic, constructivist, or postmodern paradigms, as well as from careful consideration of research studies done by others. Particular techniques developed originally to fulfill the requirements of particular paradigms can often be used for other purposes and from within other paradigms if need be. This is illustrated in a case study of triangulation.

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Encyclopedia of Sociology (5 vols)

eos.jpgEncyclopedia of Sociology / Edgar F. Borgatta, editor-in-chief, Rhonda Montgomery, managing editor.—2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index.

After the Encyclopedia of Sociology had been in print only three years, we began to receive inquiries about when there would be a revised edition. This was surprising given that the Encyclopedia was so well received, that its distribution had been much broader than even optimistic supporters of the project had anticipated, and that the articles were largely broad reviews and summaries of areas of knowledge in sociology. However, some areas in sociology changed quickly during the last decade as we approached the Millennium so that interest in a recapitulation and updating did not seem inappropriate. In addition, the social sciences appear to have softened their borders, and thus we realized that a substantial and thoughtful addition of titles would add breadth and depth to the Encyclopedia.

Ваша оценка: Нет Средняя: 4.3 (12 голосов)

C. Wright Mills. The Sociological Imagination


THE SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION. C. Wright Mills. Oxford University Press, London, Oxford, New York

"The critique is hard-hitting, cogent, clearly put, and at times brilliant.... Wright Mills's views on how social science should he pursued are worth the attention of people in all social disciplines...."

"Professor Mills's vigorous and admirable proclamation...will, let us hope, start a debate on the functions of the sociologist and his denunciation will certainly prompt a good deal of heart-searching."
W. J. H. Sprott, Nation

“This critique of hardening schools of analysis may turn out to he his most important hook to date."
Christian Century

Ваша оценка: Нет Средняя: 4 (2 голоса)

Auguste Comte. The Positive Philosophy


The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte
Freely Translated and Condensed by Harriet Martineau
With an Introduction by Frederic Harrison
If it cannot be said of Comte that he has created a science, it may be said truly that he has, for the first time, made the creation possible. This is a great achievement, and, with the extraordinary merit of his historical analysis, and of his philosophy of the physical science,. is enough to immortalize his name. (John Stuart Mill).
Comte is now generally admitted to have been the most eminent and important of that interesting group of thinkers whom the overthrow of old institutions in France turned towards social speculation. (John Morley)

Ваша оценка: Нет Средняя: 3.5 (6 голосов)